How many people in Canway export department?
The number of employees in Canway Co., LTDexport department accounts for at least 20% of the total. We have carried out export business for years. All employees in the export division are well trained and experienced. Multi language service is available also. We will continue expanding the export business.

Canway is the industry leader in the design, manufacture, marketing and support of advanced solutions for comb brush and related technologies. The hairdressing tools series is one of the main products of Canway. Once production of Canwaystylist aprons begins, every step of the manufacturing process is monitored and controlled – from the control of raw materials to control of shaping processes of rubber materials. It is one of the necessary accessories for DIY hair dye. The product is built to last. It provides adequate cushioning and has additional layers of padding for absorbing most of the impacts. It is nice for both salon and home use.

It has been proved that hairdressing tools makes a great difference in our team. Get more info!
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