New tinting bowl and brush two company for hairdresser
Flammability tests were conducted on Canway tinting bowl and brush to prevent fires caused by smoldering cigarettes or smokers'matches or lighters. It requires no water in the mixing process
Canway hair colouring brush and bowl set is subject to various testing and evaluation. They relate to the safety and performance of furniture, including mechanical testing, chemical emissions testing, and flammability testing. It's non-toxic and 100% safe for installers, people, and pets
Canway tinting bowl and brush is exquisitely designed. It is the result of a wide range of technical expertise in building systems, materials and computer equipment, as well as models. This product provides extra bonding power that prevents cracking
Chemicals used in Canway hair colouring brush and bowl set color do not include formaldehyde, chlorine bleach, carcinogenic and sensitizing dyes, all of which are known to be harmful to human health. It is not only functional, but it also has great decorative properties as well
The production process of Canway hair colouring brush and bowl set includes several major production processes, namely, material opening and cleaning, fiber loosening, grinding, dyeing and printing. It comes in a range of colors that perfectly match different types of tile
Canway tinting bowl and brush has been innovatively designed. The design is carried out by our designers who make every element of it to match any style of a room. It's non-toxic and 100% safe for installers, people, and pets
This product is safe to use. With all components being strictly manufactured, it prevents leakage current which would cause harm to users. It incorporates additives to improve flexural strength